The development of the J. B. Latham Treatment (JBLTP) Facility Plan in conjunction with the SOCWA Ten-Year Plan has indicated a series of capital improvement projects with a total cost ranging between $20 million to $25 million over a three year period. The key capital improvement projects are as follows:
- Retrofit of the aeration basins
- Reconstruction of the co-generation system
- Construction of a fifth anaerobic digester
- Modification of the existing thickening system
- Implementation of structural and seismic improvements
- Construction of a Plant 1/Plant 2 flow control structure
- Retrofit of the secondary sedimentation basins
- Replacement of the Plant 2 480-volt power distribution system
- Implementation of chemically enhanced primary treatment
The project does not increase the 13-mgd rated capacity of the existing plant. The project will address a wide variety of issues including regulatory compliance, energy efficiency, reliability and safety. The project is in currently in the planning stage with formal design expected to
begin in April 2013.
Anticipated Design Completion Date: Ongoing